Conocí a Marta en la Escuela donde juntas estudiamos diseño interior, de eso hace ya más de dos años...tiempo durante el cual, muy eventualmente nos hemos estado recordando que no nos perdemos de vista.
Hace pocas semanas, Marta ha compartido conmigo algunas novedades sobre sus nuevos proyectos en el campo del interiorismo, el diseño gráfico y la fotografía, vaya perfil más interesante!...tengo que decir que todo lo que he visto me ha gustado muchísimo, pero igualmente debo decir que su trabajo en fotografía es fantástico, y si no, que lo digan cada una de las imágenes que acompañarán este post y que son de su autoría.
Imágenes de un trabajo reciente, con mucho arte, gran estilo y profunda sensibilidad...un reportaje fotográfico para una Primera Comunión, expuesto en un fotoálbum tipo Hoffman limpiamente diagramado...
It is gratifying to know that although time passes and every personal path is taking different routes and we are apart, whenever you want, the paths cross again. Sometimes, we say they are matches...I think it is much more than that.
I met Marta at the school, when together we studied interior design, two years ago...during which time, very occasionally, we have been reminding us not lose sight of.
A few weeks ago, Marta has shared with me some news about new projects in the field of interior design, graphic design and photography, a very interesting profile!...I have to say that everything I saw, I liked a lot, but still I must say that her work in photography is fantastic, if not, let them say each of the images that accompany this post and are of her own.
Images of a recent work, a lot of art, style and deep sensivity...a photo shoot for a First Communion, exposed in a Hoffman photo album cleanly diagrammed...
It is gratifying to know that although time passes and every personal path is taking different routes and we are apart, whenever you want, the paths cross again. Sometimes, we say they are matches...I think it is much more than that.
I met Marta at the school, when together we studied interior design, two years ago...during which time, very occasionally, we have been reminding us not lose sight of.
A few weeks ago, Marta has shared with me some news about new projects in the field of interior design, graphic design and photography, a very interesting profile!...I have to say that everything I saw, I liked a lot, but still I must say that her work in photography is fantastic, if not, let them say each of the images that accompany this post and are of her own.
Images of a recent work, a lot of art, style and deep sensivity...a photo shoot for a First Communion, exposed in a Hoffman photo album cleanly diagrammed...
Hasta aquí todo muy claro, y muchos se preguntarán...¿y qué tiene qué ver Ángel de Papel en todo esto?
La respuesta es sencilla: un trabajo de estas calidades, requiere de una presentación acorde a su valor gráfico y visual...aquí comienza la tarea de Ángel de Papel, diseñar una envoltura hecha a la justa medida, con la calidad compositiva y estética que el álbum requiere.
So far so very clear, and many will wonder...what does it having Angel de Papel in all this?
The answer is simple: work of these qualities requires a presentation according to their graphic and visual begins the Angel de Papel task, design a wrapper made just right with the compositional and aesthetic quality that it needs.
So far so very clear, and many will wonder...what does it having Angel de Papel in all this?
The answer is simple: work of these qualities requires a presentation according to their graphic and visual begins the Angel de Papel task, design a wrapper made just right with the compositional and aesthetic quality that it needs.
Una caja sencilla, en un formato de 30 X 30 cms, papel de lujo con textura aterciopelada y un sistema de cierre diferente, pero muy especial.
A simple box, in format 30 X 30 cms, luxury paper with velvety texture and a different locking system, very special.
A simple box, in format 30 X 30 cms, luxury paper with velvety texture and a different locking system, very special.
El papel del exterior, hace contraste con la suave textura del interior de la caja, lograda mediante una cobertura de papel japonés que también es utilizada para envolver el álbum. Su fina textura aporta un interesante toque de delicadeza a la presentación.
Paper in outside, making contrast with soft texture of inside, achieved through a Japanese paper that is also used to wrap the album. Its fine texture gives an interesting touch of finesse to presentation.
Caja y envoltura, pretenden establecer una relación armónica y jerarquizar la importancia del trabajo fotográfico.
Box and packaging, tried to establish a harmonious relation and rank the importance of the photographic work.
Sin mucho más por decir, quiero expresar mi agradecimiento a Marta por confiar en Ángel de Papel y por confirmar mi convicción de que nada en la vida es "casual"...nuevas perspectivas se abren y muy seguramente, nuevos reencuentros traerán muchas sorpresas.
Not much more to say, I want to thank to Marta by trust in Angel de Papel and confirm my conviction that nothing in life is "casual" perspectives are opened and most likely, new encounters will bring many surprises.
Para quienes quieran ver un poco más sobre su interesante trabajo, pueden visitar el siguiente link:
For who want to see some more about her interesting work, visit the following link:
1 comentarios:
Excelente trabajo.
Que buena combinación de elementos.
Se nota el buen gusto.
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